Dereiçi HEPP Trabzon

The Dereici HEPP is a conventional run of river project developed and constructed by Gün-Taş Enerji Elektrik Üretim A.Ş (part of the Yapi-tek Group). The project is located in the Trabzon district of Turkey.

The unit is a vertical 5 jet Pelton unit with hydraulically actuated externally mounted hydraulic spear valve actuators. Speed control is carried out using a hydraulically operated deflector mechanism. The unit was chosen to provide the highest annual energy production based on the available flow.

The supply of the turbine-generator unit for the project was caried out by Gilkes Elektromekanik Sanayi Ve Ticaret A.S. a joint venture company formed by Gilbert Gilkes & Gordon Ltd (Gilkes UK) and Marbeyaz Makina Sanayi A.S (part of the Yapitek Group of companies). The joint venture company was formed for the sourcing and production of turbines and ancilliary equipment in Turkey for the local and international markets.

This is one of the first projects with 100% domestic production in Turkey, which allows the project developer to receive the enhanced Feed in Tariff offered by the Turkish government for locally made equipment. The enhanced tariff gives an increase of 18% to the base tariff.


Net Head: 333 m

 Flow: 2400 l/s

Turbine type: Vertical 5 Jet Pelton

Power: 7 MW

Runner Diameter: 950 mm

Speed: 750 rpm


950 mm P346 vertical 5 jet Pelton Turbine

 Penstock connection pipe

Main inlet valve, 700mm class 300 ball valve

Main inlet valve bypass system

Hydraulic pressure unit

Closed loop cooling water system

Synchronous generator 7825 kVA, 6300V, 50Hz

Delivery to project site Installation, commissioning, start up and testing


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